
Minggu, 30 September 2012

FAIR ELECTION : Everyone reserve the right to vote and to be voted!

Election process in dormitory to choose new head of dormitory committee
When we hear a word “election”, what’s on our mind? A democratic party whis is held by our country once every five years to choose our next governor? Yes, that is not wrong and that is what mostly people think about election. But, since I became the students of SMAN 10 Malang and lived in dormitory, this paradigm has been changed.

Three weeks ago, there were an election to choose the head of dormitory committee in my dormitory. That was held by captain of 9 houses and it was commanded by Mr. Muslich, our Head of Dormitory. The election process was very interesting. The process and the rules of this election were made as good as the rules of the national election for choosing our new governors. There were an interview test, opened campaign, and public debate. They also made a rule said that the one who will become the new head of dormitory committee have to get at least 125 votes of the students.

And after all of those election process has been done, the students were free to choose their new leader in dormitory. I was there –of course– and I became the witness so I saw the counting process. First candidate, Nando and Mini got 113 votes while Tedy and Bahrul got 101 votes. The rest chose Pandu and Nizam. Suddenly, the committee made an unilateral decision. They decided that Nando and Mini became the new head and vice head of dormitory committee although they get less than 125 votes, as the rule said before. Some of my friends said, “ It’s ok. I know that the committee were very tired to made this election. So they don’t need to make the second round election. “ While my other friends said “ It’s not fair. They break their own rule and it makes me dissappointed! ”.

So, what do you think about this kind of case, when the election process doesn’t ran as the rule said? Should we call it as an unfair election while the principle of election in Indonesia which are LUBER JURDIL has been applied there? As we know, fair in this case means all people reserve the right to vote and to be voted if they are suit with the criterias. In my opinion, the election process in dormitory has applied it, so we can call it as a fair election. When we talk about the violated rules, I think it is just about the mechanism of the elction process and it is not a big problem as long as the candidates has been agree with that decision. So, essentially, the elction process around me has been fair and it has applied the principle of election. Oh ya, by the way, congratulations Nando and Mini! Good luck for making this dormitory better! J

Teacher's grades by the students. Is it allowed?

The most important elements of a school are the students and the teachers. They live together in school to do their own job. Teachers teach the students and students are given knowledge by the teachers to study. As the older person, teachers have to be respected by the students. Moreover they are the one who give us knowledge.

When we talk about the relationship between teachers and students, there are a lot of case. When I watched a news on television last month, there was a teacher who blame his student because the student said something about him that he does not like. As a teacher, is it right that he deserve to do that? When actually what the student said is the reality. Is it right that students are not allowed to grade their teachers?

Some people said that students should not allowed to grade their teachers, because teachers are the one who give us their knowledge. So we do not deserve to make them dissappointed and angry because of our grades to them. We have to respect them. We have to receive them as they are and we just need to absorb their knowledge.

In my own opinion, students should be allowed to grade the teachers, as long as they way how to do it is right. Teachers should know and care what are the students’ opinion about them. They need to know whether they have been a good teacher or not based on their students’ opinion. They need to know when they have to change their teaching method or their attitude to their students. And when students think that teachers should be changed, the teachers have to do it. So, the teaching and learning activities can be done well. The students can absorb the knowledge well, and the teachers can deliver their knowledge well too. The mos expected effect is relationship between students and teachers will be better with this transparancy. Even they will look like a mother/father with their children and a comfortable condition at school will be created.

Homework, good or bad for us?

“ A lot of homework make me tired and bored. “ I’m sure that some student have ever said that kind of statement, including me. When you want to refresh your mind on weekend and holiday but a lot of homework are waiting for you to be done, what will you feel? Sometimes I am sullen although I know what is the reason of my teacher why they give a lot of homework to us.

The teacher give us homework because they want their student to study. They know that some students will not study if they have no homework and examination. Homework will help them to study because to do their homework, students have to open their books and read it, right? It will also help the teachers to grade the students. They will know whether she/he is dilligent students or not by their continuity to do his/her homework. Homework will also help to increase our score on student report when our examination scroe is not too good. Because I believe that some teacher will take the score of our homeworks to their scoring book and combinate it with our examination score to make it better. That’s why homework is very helpful for us.

But, as I said before, sometimes homework makes students tired. They do not have any leisure time to refresh their mind, even in a long holiday, such as Idul Fitri Holiday because their teachers give a lot of homework to them. And for some students who are need to study and read their books intensively, they are not agree that homework is very helpful. Because they will study whether there is a homewrok or not. They even feel that homework is very harmful because it decreases their time to read the book intensively. They said that when we do our homework, it’s right that we will read the book. But it’s just a skimming and scanning method, just to find the answer of our homework. So we can’t get the knowledge well.
Back to the law’ said that everything have positive and negative sides. But in my own opinion, homework is very useful as long as it’s not too much and teachers should pay attention to their students’ time to refreshing that is very needed. If the students are stress with their assignment, it’s possible to make their performance at school down, right? Whatever it is, students should do their homework, because that’s exactly our job as a students.

Be careful, computer addiction is harmful!

Nowadays, technology has dominate all of our life aspect. A lot of gadget have been created and it always evolve all the times. Some people don’t even realize that they ‘think’ they can’t live without their gadget nearby. One of the most useful technology in our daily life is computer which is very related to the internet connection. Both of them are very important for us. But, have you ever realize that both of them also have negative and positive sides?
Computer can’t be separated from students in this era. When they find some difficulties on their assignment, they use the internet connection to search it on Google, Yahoo, etc.  So it’s clear that computer is very useful for students. Computer also has some other feature. We can listen to music, playing games, or watch a movie by using computer. In other words, computer can help us to be happy, amused, and refresh our mind. Besides, we can do social networking on computer. It’s also an advantages of computer, right? We can have some new friends and find our old friends in it.

The paragraph above shows us that computer hasa lot of advantages. But, when we are too dependant to computer, the advantages can be the disadvantages which is very harmful for us. Some people can be very addicted to computer, till when they face their computer screen, they won’t care about their surrounding. How if some people prefer to play with their computer rather than gather with their family? It will makes a hurmonious family, right? It makes the qualities of a relationship decrease because there is no direct communication between each other, because some people prefer to use social network. The most harmful disadvantages of computer are when some wrong information is spreading in some website. The cyber crime will be increase, such as cracking, hacking, and phising. Besides, the computer will makes the student’s academic report worse because some students prefer to play computer rather than read their books.

Based on my explaination above, we can concluse that computer will be very helpful if we use it wisely and we’re not too dependant on it. Sometimes, we can use other stuffs which have same function as computer. We can use books to find the answer of our assignment, right? We can play with our friends and family to entertain and refresh our mind, right? So, everything is depend on you, guys!

Senin, 03 September 2012


hey, I'm Mentari Rizki Amelia, part of #xiscience5 #littlehornbill of Sampoerna Academy Malang. Love swimming, blogwalking, and mathematics. I belong to my parent and all I want to do is make them proud of me. Engineering Management student of ITB wanna be. wish me luck! ;)

oh yaaa, this is my special blog for English task by Mama, Ms. Anis Ken. I'll share my task and my opinion here. I'll start to write on the middle of September2012. be ready! I hope my writings here will be very advantageous for you all. Gomawo! ^^