
Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

If Trouble is a Friend...

I don't know what I want, so don't ask me
Cause I'm still trying to figure it out
Don't know what's down this road, I'm just walking
Trying to see through the rain coming down
Even though I'm not the only one
Who feels the way I do.....

Confusion. Undecided. Uncertain. Have you ever feel that feelings? When you do not know what should you do next. When you do not run the 2nd Habit, Begin with The End In Mind, because you do not know what you want actually.

I'm alone, on my own, and that's all I know
I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on

Yeah, it is impossible for us to not doing any mistakes when we run this life. We do mistakes, but we have to learn from it. That is life. So I am here, in this big world to learn from my mistakes. I am here to fight for my dreams, and I have to be strong. But what can I do when I am still confuse, undecided, and uncertain about my life goals?

Oh, I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world

I am just a girl who are trying to find a place in this world. A place to live this life  well as I expected, as I dreamed before. But back to the first question, how if I have a problem to figure out what whould I do next? As I am now, who is still confuse about what should I do when I have been in senior year, what should I do after graduate from this Senior High School, and what should I do after graduate from universities. Haha.

Hey, I have God, as my guide, as my Lord, as the director of my life. I am sure that He will guide me to a better life. But I realize that God will not guide me offhand. I have to tried my best first.

“ The best person who help you to out of a problems is the person you see in the mirror. “

Being tawwakkal is when you have done your best, your hard work to reach something, but turn over the result to your God. When I am in trouble, pause, think, and do! So I will get the best problem solving. But when the problems can not be handled by me lonely, I am sure God is with me, to guide me. That’s why I have to pray all the time. If I can not do my best in praying to God, what is the reason for God to give me the best, too? That’s the key, guys.

Nobita-kun Wanna Be

All of them, all of them, all of them
He helps me
He helps me with a convenient tool
Look! a toy soldier

(Here! Attack!)
Ah ah ah
I love you very much,

That place is nice
I wish I could go
This country, that island, there is many of them, but
All of them, all of them, all of them
He makes me able to go to them
He uses a gadget of the future to grant my wish
I want to go on a world trip
(Doreamon Song – English Version)

When I was ten years old, every morning on Sunday, I was in front of television. No one was allowed to disturb me. Because I was watching my favorite cartoon TV, Doraemon. Do you know Doraemon? Yeah, a big robotic cat with his magic pocket.

Yes, Doraemon has a magic pocket contained of a lot of magic stuffs from the future. Anywhere door, bamboo-copter, and time machine. Doraemon was commanded by Sewashi Nobi to help his grandfather, Nobita-kun, so that he will get a better future. Nobita is a lazy boy who always late on submit his homework, bullied by his friends, and always rely on Doraemon all the time.

If I were Nobita......
Yes, of course, I will utilize Doraemon, just like what Nobita did. I can use his 'Anywhere Door' to go to anywhere fastly. When I miss my parents in Pasuruan, I can visit them easily by using this magic door, right? Hehe. I love travelling. So I also can use this magic door to go to Belitong beach, Bali, Jakarta, or even France and USA. What a great life! That’s what we call Sharpen The Saw. LOL. Not only his ‘Anywhere Door’. I wondered how if I have a time machine and I can see what happened yesterday and what will happen tomorrow. My life will be more well-organized. Although I realized that life won’t be challenging on that way.

This cartoon always tell us how to make someone’s life happy. Despite of Nobita’s laziness and clumsiness, he always try to make someone’s life happy. Have you ever watched an episode about Nobita, Doraemon and his friends’ experience in the Wind Country? Although he does not even know the people there, Nobita tried to help them to save their world from Uranda, an evil Wind Country people who use his strength to do bad things. At the last, he can save the world and make Wind Country people happy. This cartoon tells us how to love all of God’s creatures and help each other.

If I were Nobita.......
I am envy with Nobita. It’s hard to find the other Nobita in this world. I wish I could. I wish I could make other people happy in my own way, too. If I were Nobita, I would utilize Doraemon. I want to safe the rest of forest in the world by asking Doreaemon to make a ‘forest protector’ or whatever the name is, so that no one can cut the tree easily, no one can hunt the protected animal up to them. Not only that. There are a lot of good things to do and if I were Nobita, I wish I could use Doraemon’s magic stuffs to do it easily.